Angelspit announce their forthcoming 2014 album, The Product – 13 tracks produced by the Mayhem Imagineer, Zoog Von Rock.

This album features digital troublemakers such as Helalyn Flowers, Chant, Miss Ballistic, Alan Labiner, Chris Kling,
Teknocracy, Steve Jones (Agent 13) and Adam Newman (Lab4), all centered around Zoog Von Rock’s synthesized mayhem.

Angelspit premiered three tracks from the new album at 2013’s Dragon Con, causing the audience to riot.

“George Bikos (guitars) and I spent two years making an album that is lyrically relevant, musically intricate and
recklessly heavy,” says Zoog Von Rock. “This is Angelspit’s ultimate album…total sonic warfare!”

The Product is set for distribution through Black Pill Red Pill in March 2014.

For more information, click ANGELSPIT.NET