Brand: Doepfer

Model: A-118 and A-148
Link: and

A-118 Random Noise.
You can have this making the basic sound source for 2 different drums sounds PLUS supplying the random voltage for a Sample&Hold.
One of the Noise O/Ps can be “tuned” – you can shape the hi/low colour – which is really helpful.

A-148 Duel Sample & Hold.
This has so many cool applications. If you think with an open mind you can really use it to make some inventive sounds.

Obviously they both work together to make a S&H – Sample and Hold…the thing that makes the resonant gurgle sound.
We often add a small random element to all our sounds – it makes them come alive.


I doesn’t make coffee??

NEVER let the exact same sound be heard. Always make sure it’s tweaked somehow. If the separate lines of the song evolve slightly, the whole song will evolve.
These two modules can really add spice to a simple line – small random changes to volume, filter, pitch can make it come alive.