angelspit-CB-cd-300NXLive Magazine Interviews Zoog Von Rock from ANGELSPIT about their remix album “CARBON BEAUTY”

“I asked the remixers to go back to the early 90s – a period when music, art and movies were free and passionate. It was a time where rules were abandoned and art galloped headstrong into a wild and chaotically dark future. It was dangerous and possessed a wild darkness. It was awesome!
I feel our current musical climate is bound by rules that have water logged our genre. Industrial Music is supposed to be angry and political – I always try and remember this when making new material.”
– Zoog Von Rock.

[NX]: Hello Mr Zoog. How are you today?



[NX]: Explain to our readers, in one sentence the “sound” of Angelspit.

[Z]: “Bang bang clang clang fuck you.”

I am constantly pulverising many different influences together to find something new….which is a nice way of saying “i just wanna fuck shit up!”


[NX]: What made you get into music in the first place?

[Z]: I built go-carts as a kid. When I was 12 I was pulling the motors out of mowers and washing machines. I played with tools like arc welders, grinders and metal lathes.  The smell of ground metal, welding flux, motor oil…it was awesome! …almost sexual…!

I loved the sound of huge pieces of metal being thrown around a workshop. Metal on metal, metal on concrete. The reverberation was immense.

I bought my first synth when I was 13. I tried to emulate the harsh sounds I was hearing. This mixed with hard rock, then electro, then Skinny Puppy and Severed Heads….it resulted in me getting seriously into Industrial.


[NX]: What drives you as artists singly and collectively (As Angelspit)?

[Z]: The phrase “You are better”. It encourages me to always strive. I want to make each track better than the last, and each album better than the previous.

We try and make Angelspit as positive as we can. There’s so much negativity and anger in the world. We try and use Angelspit as a vessel to focus our frustration and create art. We encourage others to do the same.

Most of Angelspit’s lyrics are inspired by conversations I’ve had with people. Although our lyrics are a “cloud of chaos”, there is an idea that relates to everyone at their core.


[NX]: You’ve got a new remix CD coming in March. Can you tell us a little bit more about it, or are all details sworn to secrecy?

[Z]: It’s called Carbon Beauty and we’re really proud of it – it’s an exercise in brutality! It’s the second remix CD from our 2009 album Hideous and Perfect. We released the first remix CD in October 2010 titled Larva Pupa Tank Coffin which was more electronic with 4 new tracks.

Carbon Beauty is an exercise in BRUTALITY.  We asked the contributing artists to make the most savage and pounding remixes possible! The artist line-up includes tweaker, 16 Volt, Ego Likeness, Baal, Dope Stars Inc. and more.

I asked the remixers to go back to the early 90s – a period when music, art and movies were free and passionate. It was a time where rules were abandoned and art galloped headstrong into a wild and chaotically dark future. It was dangerous and possessed a wild darkness. It was awesome!

I feel our current musical climate is bound by rules that have water logged our genre. Industrial Music is supposed to be angry and political – I always try and remember this when making new material.

I requested guitar heavy remixes that are not limited to ideals of “EBM” or “Aggro Tek” or “Dark Electro”. I wanted PUNK made with synths and samplers. It had to tap into the energy that ignited us all those years ago.

I even asked them to drag out their old musical gear (Atari ST1040e, Akia S900, EMAX, Juno 106, HR-16, EPS-16, VFX and ESQ-1’s!!)

There are also three exclusive tracks on the album – “Glitchbomb”, “Like It? Lick it!” and “Toxic Girl. These new tracks feature guest musicians Valerie Gentile (Black Tape for a Blue Girl) and Chris Kling (Hanzel und Gretyl, Mortiis). The album also includes a stunning visual element, with artwork and photography shot by Helen White.

We destroyed Chris’ drum kit. We used two of his cracked cymbals as hi hats (they sound brutal!). We strapped another smashed cymbal to his kik and draped chains over it, filled his pristine snare with rusty bolts and washers.

As well as being an INSANE guitarist, Valerie is also an extremely good sound engineer. With the help of New York City sound engineer Alan Labiner (and nine different guitar rigs!) Valerie created a MASSIVE guitar sound.

We are also releasing two videos in conjunction with Carbon Beauty.  “Ditch the Rest,” (version from the album Hideous and Perfect) will be directed by Thomas Marcusson, Stephanie Rajalingam and Ole Magnus Saxegard.  We are also releasing a video for one of the new tracks from Carbon Beauty called “Toxic Girl,” directed by Tamas Mesmer.


[NX]: We noticed that you’ve got a US tour coming up in the US with legendary act Lords Of Acid. Excited?

[Z]: HELL YEAH!! It’ll ROCK! 3 weeks on a tour bus with those guys will be the best fun!

Our live show is super fun! Destroyx and I obliterate synths and speakers. We have the stage covered in lights and synths – it’s SONIC WARFARE!!

This will also be our last tour under the current line up. There will be some changes announced in late March.


[NX]: Well, cheers for answering our questions. Is there anything you’d like to say to any fans who are reading this?

[Z]: We have a crazy-packed 2011 planned. Lords Of Acid USA tour and the Carbon Beauty remix CD released in March. Hopefully European/UK tour in July/August, and maybe an album and USA tour in October.

Want to join Angelspit? We’re having a competition and winner will join the band as official videographer.

Sounds crazy, but we’re serious!!! We’ll hopefully be taking them on tour after April.

The contest deadline is February 1. Details:


So much AWESOMENESS to be had!! LET’S ROCK!