Recorded on 12/05/21
Recorded by Angelspit
Written by Zoog Von Rock

Lyrics from Angelspit’s 2020 album DIESEL PRIEST (CAT: BPRP46)
ISRC: USB6A2100308
Vocals: Zoog Von Rock and Roxy Von Rock (Miss Ballistic)

>> More on Angelspit’s album DIESEL PRIEST
>> Listen on SoundCloud
>> Purchasing Information
>> Purchase MP3 Album

Words and Music by Zoog Von Rock © Angelspit 2021.


T=120 BPM

If you pause it on the right frame
You can actually see the moment of death
It’s blood sport for “thoughts and prayers” kinda folks
Who like their injustice shaken not stirred
How can you empathize, with inequality
When all your friends are white and make 6 figures?
OMG, let’s burst that candy flavored rage bubble
After clicking the terms of agreement on your new iPhone

Killed on camera
To amuse the bored
Killed on camera
And the masses demand more

If the penalty for a crime is a hefty fine,
Then that law don’t exist for the rich
‘Coz they believe their absurd brainwashing
Justifies committing their convenient atrocities
Bullets and stones may break your bones
But policy will slowly wear you down
You’re underclass in a system that don’t want you to vote
with a constitution that does not apply to your skin tone

Killed on camera
To amuse the bored
Killed on camera
And the masses demand more

This is gunna end real bad,
But whitey’s back on the moon
This is still gunna end real bad
Distort the facts coz they trigger you

No happy-ever-afters this time
Smash that glass slipper where the sun don’t shine
Let them eat razor cake, wash it down with bleach
Pumping poison into inflatable blowjob lips
Regardless of their political persuasion
Those lying maggots want more power
You might achieve a heroic American death
But be assured that the money will live happily ever after

Killed on camera
To amuse the bored
Killed on camera
And the masses demand more

This ain’t the future you prayed for
This is the future you paid for
We’re just the hosts who bled the most
Now we’re all just empty shells