Australia has stupid censorship rules governed by a right wing country listened Liberal voting bunch of North Shore conservatives called ARIA.

ARIA stands for the Australian BLAH BLAH BLAH Rancid Infected Anus.

We like to say “FUCK”, so we get a “Level 1” black and white sticker.

From ARIA’s cock sucking website:

Level 1 (Black and White Sticker)
This product is labelled black and white and contains:
Infrequent aggressive or strong coarse language;
Moderate impact references to drug use, violence, sexual activity or themes.

Level 2 (Blue and White Sticker)
This product is labelled blue and white and contains:
Frequent aggressive or strong coarse language;
Strong impact references to or detailed description of drug use, violence, sexual activity or themes.

Level 3 (Red and White Sticker)
This product is labelled red and white and contains:
Product contains graphic description of drug use, violence, sexual activity or very strong themes, which have a very high degree of intensity and which are high in impact;
These products require an adult perspective and are therefore not to be sold to persons under 18 years of age.

Exeeding Level 3 – Not To Be Sold
These recordings are not permitted to be released and/or distributed by ARIA members or sold by AMRA members:

Product containing lyrics which promote, incite or instruct or exploitatively (“exploitative” means appearing to purposefully debase or abuse for the enjoyment of listeners, and lacking moral, artistic or other values) or gratuitously (“gratuitous” means material which is unwarranted or uncalled for, and included without the justification of artistic merit) depict drug abuse; cruelty; suicide; criminal or sexual violence; child abuse; incest; bestiality; or any other revolting or abhorrent activity in a way that causes outrage or extreme disgust to most adults.

What really sucked is that we could not find where to get the FUCKING stickers from, and it was going to cost us a DONKEY-FUCKING SHITLOAD to print these TURD EATING SCHOOL BOY FISTING stickers. SHOOT DOG CUM ACROSS MY BABY SISTERS’ FACE.

And that’s fine…we all know how much music corrupts lost soles like you and I…but every second movie contains material exceeding level 3 (FUCK A CHICKEN).

What’s more (FUCK YOU ARIA), is that we had to stick these NUN DRENCHED IN CAT CUM stickers on EVERY ONE OF OUR CDs!


You can use computers that are destroying contents, use phones that kill people in their construction, line your house with wood treated with a deadly (active) chemical, rape, steal and pillage from the environment, but you can’t say FUCK without getting a Black and White Sticker.